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      When to Call a Professional Plumber 

      Philadelphia’s Top Emergency Plumber

      Most homeowners are equipped to handle minor plumbing tasks like replacing a washer or replacing a showerhead. But when faced with a more complex issue, DIY repairs can lead to bigger problems. Here at Goodman Plumbing, we want to empower you to make informed decisions about your home’s plumbing. So, how do you know when it’s time to call in a professional plumber?

      The Warning Signs: When to Call Goodman Plumbing

      No Water: No water at all, or a sudden and significant drop in water pressure, can point to a variety of issues. A broken pipe, a problem with the city’s main line, or a malfunctioning well pump could be the culprit. Don’t wait – contact Goodman Plumbing to diagnose the problem. 

      Persistent Leak: A leaky faucet or dripping pipe might seem like a minor annoyance, but even small leaks can waste gallons of water and lead to mold growth and structural damage. If you can’t fix a leak yourself after attempting basic tightening or replacement of washers, call a professional to identify the source and ensure a proper fix.

      Clogs: While a plunger can often handle a stubborn drain clog, there are times when it’s just not enough. If your efforts are in vain, or if you experience recurring clogs, especially in multiple drains, it’s likely a deeper blockage that requires professional tools and expertise.

      Sewer Issues: Sewage odors are a sure sign of a plumbing problem. This could indicate a clog in the main drain line, a malfunctioning septic system, or a vent issue. These problems pose health risks and require immediate attention from our licensed emergency plumber.

      Strange Sounds: Unusual noises coming from your pipes, like gurgling, banging, or whistling, are cause for concern. These sounds can indicate water pressure problems, trapped air, or loose pipes. A plumber can diagnose the source of the noise and prevent potential damage.

      DIY Repairs Gone Wrong: If a plumbing project goes awry, causing leaks, breaks, or further complications, don’t hesitate to call a professional. Attempting to fix a mistake yourself could worsen the situation.

      When Professional Intervention is Crucial

      There are certain plumbing situations that always warrant calling a professional:

      Gas Line Issues: Never attempt to work on gas lines yourself. Gas leaks pose a serious fire and explosion hazard. If you suspect a gas leak, evacuate the premises immediately and call Goodman Plumbing, followed by the gas company.

      Water Heater Issues: Water heaters are complex appliances. For any issues beyond basic temperature adjustment, call a licensed plumber. Especially if you notice leaks, unusual noises, or a lack of hot water.

      Major Renovations: Plumbing projects that involve rerouting pipes, installing new fixtures, or modifying the main drain line should always be handled by our professional plumber to ensure code compliance and proper functionality.

      Contact Our Emergency Plumber in Philadelphia Today

      When you call Goodman Plumbing, you’re getting a team of licensed, insured, and experienced professionals. We offer 24/7 emergency services, upfront pricing, and a commitment to quality workmanship. We’ll diagnose your plumbing problem accurately, provide clear explanations, and recommend the most cost-effective solution. Call today! 

